Why should start-ups use analytics3 min read

The process of
assembling a collage of data from statistics, research, and computer
programming to gain a scientific insight in order to quantify
performance is called analytics.

New businesses, in
the process of trying to find its feet will do anything to attract
the audience. When it does get its audience the business is not sure
how it can retain the audience on the website, how it can increase
his spend time, what to provide in order to make him subscribe to the
business’ products/services.

Let’s take a look at why
analytics make such a big difference for businesses.


analytics not only gives the company an understanding of how its own
audience is using the website, but it also leaves the business with
tremendous amount of data – starting from user maps, emails, user
information, user trends, behaviour, etc. which the business can then
sell to another company for a good amount of money. High quality
leads are and will always be valuable to businesses.


Getting a hang of what users want and
look for has been the biggest challenge and quest that businesses
will never cease to live from. Constantly changing trends and an
increasing number of communication options have always left the
service providers and creators wondering what next. An insight on
user’s behaviour goes beyond the modus operandi of inundating the
user with fill this and fill that forms. Most of the time, the user
doesn’t want to or has no time or mood to tell you what he is looking
for. If you ask them too many questions, well, they have other better
places to go to and find the answers they are looking for. So a
business must quietly stand behind the glass door and see what the
user is interested in, in order to serve the user better instead of
being on the face with endless multiple questions.

Analytics is a boon to
understand users this way. Apart from providing an in-depth
information on user behaviour and patterns, it also creates and
maintains the log in real time.


the user data is acquired and the business evolves in creating better
user experiences, the business has to make room for automatically
leading the user to the next intended portal – which is to make the
user loyal. To subscribe. To buy. All of this needs sophisticated,
automatic, no-errors software to map, track, graph, remind, pursue
and finally make that sale.

In a business world, it is
only about the numbers.

Most successful
start-ups in the recent years have attributed their success to the
analytics they have been using. There is a good score of major
analytic companies ruling the top charts. Choose the one that suits
your business requirements the most.
