What not to do with your Facebook Page3 min read


A vibrant Facebook page can do wonders for your business. People spend a lot of time on Facebook and you can reach them through your page. The idea is, to maintain a very good brand image on Facebook. It can either make or break your brand.

What to do with a Facebook page

You can use the Facebook page to start conversations, ask questions, elicit feedback about your project or your page, update with photos and videos and reach out to fans whenever possible, invent contests or just-for-fun hash tag games. These can be related to your brand category or something else. You can be in the walls of followers/fans if you update our page with good content. Make it interesting. Talk of local news, events and causes. Use it to upload and tag pictures from events, share reviews of your products from users and also watch out for PR opportunities.

Gain access to related groups. Facebook today is teeming with open, closed and secret groups where people have a cocooned atmosphere to discuss anything under the sun. Get into related groups and participate actively. This could be a potential customer base.

Like with all PR activities and marketing campaigns, maintaining a Facebook page also requires diligent research on demographics and analytics.

Whatever you post, link it with your website. Divert attention to your website and get them to buy from your catalogue.

Whenever you launch something new, update your Facebook page- add photos of the product, add customer reviews from early buyers and discuss the product in detail. Create attention for the product.

More importantly, listen to grievances posted on the Facebook page. This makes a huge difference. The customer feels immensely satisfied if you take the time to reply to his grievance message. Others who see the communication on the page understand that you are easy to reach and that you care enough to resolve issues.

What not to do with a Facebook page?

Do not start a Facebook page if you do not intend to keep it alive. A fan does not really think much about the reputation of your brand if you do not update content frequently. It is fairly easy to create a bunch of fans on Facebook. But maintaining the interest is yet another story.

Remember that there is no “I” in Facebook. It sounds self-centered and out of touch and “I” can be a lonely letter. “We” on the other hand, portrays a team behind a business, organization or brand. A team is always better in this aspect.

The worst mistake with Facebook marketing is using a personal account for your business. Make use of Facebook’s ‘Pages for businesses and brands’. Creating a business page gives you a lot of advantages. It shows up in related searches and shows up as recommendations in related categories to Facebook users.

Do not leave hyperlink text as a status message in your business page. It screams that you are lazy. Statistics claim that people do not click on such links. Display the message as your status update. Share published content from elsewhere with thumbnails.

Here is more on Social Media Marketing. 

The bottom line

There aren’t any other medium using which you can get in touch with 1 billion people. Facebook is the best advertising channel available today. So, make use of Facebook effectively!

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