Top 5 tips for marketing your e-commerce business3 min read


Are you getting bogged down by every day marketing execution like optimising your website, updating your blog posts, sending email, tweeting, sharing LinkedIn posts and so on? Here are the key marketing strategies that will help your business grow!

Build a great Content Marketing Strategy

The basis of a good marketing plan lies in creating the content first hand. Fact is you can’t do anything without it. Research on what works and what doesn’t in your sector of ecommerce. Write a list of all the methods you intend using to reach out to prospective customers. Content rich channels to reach customers include blog posts, videos and newsletters.

More importantly, be receptive about feedback on the chosen channel. Check with this strategy periodically and evaluate how the content creation and distribution process is done. The savvy marketer knows that in the beginning stages, even before the ecommerce site starts selling, he can veer attention to his upcoming site by generating content that catches the eyes of his target audience.

Build an Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing still stands tall among all marketing strategies. It’s cheap, it’s almost effortless and with a good tool, it can be automated. With help from sites like Mailchimp, the entire process is automated. All you do is enter the content and feed the email recipient list. Done! What more? It also keeps track of hit rates, conversion rates, bounce rates and such. These factors help you analyse your mail game.

Enlist the help of social media

Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are wonderful marketing platforms. Some products sell on some platforms. So, it takes time to figure what works for you. But do diversify your marketing across platforms. You can always cut the ones that don’t work later on. Invest time in social media. A well maintained social media page is crucial for several small businesses. More so for ecommerce sites because it’s easy to upload pictures from the latest collections to a FaceBook picture and garner interest among buyers.

Customise, personalise and reach customers

Brand your company with a face. A person. It works pretty well. Personalization is the best new form of marketing. Find a face for your business if you haven’t already done that. When you address customers or even random strangers who enquire about your product, use their first names. Use names in emails, send out videos and images of your employees, and show how your products are made. All these strike a chord with your customer base.

Original Content

Resorting to plagiarism or sharing what’s already viral is not going to work in the long run. Have dedicated resource, time and effort to work on original content. Focus your content driven marketing strategy on this. The cynosure of your marketing needs to be this: original content. Write blog posts on your own. Shoot pictures. Shoot videos. Or hire someone who can help you out here.