When you ship through DHL, FedEx, UPS, or USPS most packages make it to their destinations intact and on time. But, what about those rare occurrences when packages are lost in transit? Who exactly gets blamed when this...
What is Delivery Experience Management?Delivery Experience Management (DEM) is the process of being proactive in ensuring that your customers receive their orders on-time and how they expect. It involves taking action...
If I were to ask you what is at the centre of your entire business model, the best answer would be ‘the customer’. But somewhere along the way, even the best of us seem to get sidetracked by the nitty gritty of running...
The supply chain has come a long way from traditional linear networks to what it is today: dynamic, digitized and interconnected with information flowing in from every part of the network. These new age supply chains...
Shipping cost constitutes anywhere between 5 to 15% of the total expenditure for Retailers. Adding to their tightening margins is the steady 4% year on year increase in FedEx and UPS shipping rates. The complete...
This is an age where dynamic and fundamental changes are shaping the logistics operations and strategy for the better. The communication and collaboration potential of the Internet as we know it today, are improving...