In the world of shipping and logistics, ensuring your packages reach their destination safely and securely is crucial and carriers ensure their full-on commitment to it. One aspect of this process is the carrier getting...
Based on Statista’s prediction, global retail e-commerce sales are expected to grow 9.5% from 2023, a slight decrease from last year’s increase (10%). A line that we’ve all been hearing since the end of the pandemic and...
In the always-on retail environment, the convenience of a seamless experience is the key to winning more customers. According to Linnworks research, over 80% of shoppers are looking for a frictionless, cross-device...
If you have happened to follow the news in the recent past, you might be aware of the global supply chain crisis that is happening: The number of container ships around ports has doubled since AprilDwelling times of...
The holiday sales season is often the most important for retailers. Researchers predict holiday ecommerce retail sales to make up 18.9% of total holiday sales this year, up from the year before. In 2020, retail...
The contemporary shipping process is changing rapidly, and as a shipper, you need to streamline your process.Streamlining your company’s shipping process implies having a more efficient and speedy supply chain...
You might have come across many technical terms being hyped by tech-enthusiasts, but ‘cloud computing’ rightfully deserves the attention it has been getting over the last few years. Cloud computing is revolutionizing...
Dropshipping is a profitable and effective way of doing business. The strategy ensures that there are no consumer goods in stock. The dropshipping model mostly involves retailers working with other retailers, or working...
Introduction In the world of last-mile deliveries in the US, 2019 is a landmark year; For the first time in a very very long time, the duopoly of FedEx and UPS in the US market is being seriously challenged by a...
The world is a global village now and while it has expanded horizons for businesses, it has also added to supply chain complexities. Supply chain management professionals are constantly on the lookout for technology...
The supply chain has come a long way from traditional linear networks to what it is today: dynamic, digitized and interconnected with information flowing in from every part of the network. These new age supply chains...
Shipping cost constitutes anywhere between 5 to 15% of the total expenditure for Retailers. Adding to their tightening margins is the steady 4% year on year increase in FedEx and UPS shipping rates. The complete...