Is your shipment turkey-trotting this season? Make a dash for shipping refunds!2 min read

The “Holiday season” is upon us and this year, the online sales are poised to hit a whopping $1.8 billion dollars. As online retailers scramble to manage the mad shopping frenzy, what most of them miss is the “shipping refunds”. FedEx and UPS carriers promise to ship packages on time and their guarantee holds good for the holiday season too. Here is a checklist for a successful sale this Thanksgiving:

Plan your meal

It is imperative to get the recipe right. The secret to a profitable sale is to develop a winning marketing strategy. Make sure you have a head start in creating and scheduling your promotional emails and publishing your social media messages. Don’t miss out on aligning your paid advertising content with your brand logo and re-targeting your customers.

Revel in the bounty

It is  time to reap the fruits of your hard work. With the advent of “app” shopping, the online customers start purchasing as early as 5.00 am. Stock up your tech staff to avoid web page crashes and glitches, and beef up your cyber security to avoid misappropriation of payments. Keep in mind that the holiday sales are predominantly driven by discounts. It is better to have more than one trick up your sleeve for a face off with your competitors when they slash rates unexpectedly or run a new enticing offer for the online consumers.

Follow the parade.

So, you have had a door-busting sales this holiday. Time to wrap up? Not yet. Smart marketers know that monitoring their shipments and ensuring that the customers receive their gifts on time, confer a long-term loyalty and a fan following for their product. However, tracking every shipment could be a painstaking task. Implement a shipment tracking software that automatically segregates different shipments, identifies the recipients and monitors each shipment until they reach the destination.

Show your gratitude.

FedEx and UPS carriers work hard every year to deliver a successful holiday season for their customers. However, the online sales have been exponentially increasing every year delaying the delivery of few packages. Thankfully FedEx and UPS offer an on-time guarantee for all deliveries. Make sure to submit claims for FedEx / UPS refunds within a fifteen-day window for all your late packages. In case you are strapped for time or resources, simply sign up with LateShipment to automatically receive refunds for all eligible late deliveries. If your packages are approved by the money-back guarantee scheme, you would reap a refund harvest this holiday!

Here’s to a Happy Thanksgiving!