How to tackle a business blogger’s block2 min read

Every business blog suffers the occasional blogging block. It’s easier to tackle this if you have multiple people contributing to your blog. So, how does a start up resolve their blogging plagues?

What is your objective?

Think straight. Your aim is to deliver useful and practical content to your target audience. Successful business blogs generally devote a lot of posts telling their target audience how to do something right and how to improve on it. These posts are a hit because it’s usually based on the author’s experience. Write about a common problem your audience encounters and offer solutions that work. Most organic searches are to resolve problems.

Stick to your business motives

If you are an apparel store, talk about fashion forecasts, what to wear and what not to wear. Your idea is to drive traffic into your site and make people buy. You could title your posts thus: 7 killer looks this year, Show off your feet with élan, 10 ways to dress for a classy dinner.

Be the guide they are looking for

build detailed posts on doing something step by step. People love DIY these days. And an online guide, with hacks and tricks is definitely going to be useful for such blog visitors. Elaborate on best practices. The reason how-to posts work is that they empower the reader. It gives them a sense of accomplishment. And they will remember you for the help you provide.

Discuss industry news

Whenever you feel you have nothing new to tell your audience, drag them for a discussion, play with their curiosity and capitalize on civil arguments. This is a relatively easy way to ideate for blog topics. You would already be up to speed with industry news. So, discuss that and offer opinions, engage in conversation and display the various perspectives here. It also makes the visitor feel that you know the industry extensively.

Answer Questions and Concerns

You will receive business queries extensively. Make use of these questions and build a post out of them. Gather all the questions and feedback you’ve encountered and answer them in a blog post.

This also serves another purpose. Organic searches on how-to questions lead visitors to your posts. And the traffic goes up!

Predict. And list them.

Write on what you think would be the future of your business. And do this honestly. This makes you a visionary in your industry.

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