How to make your customer come back to you every time3 min read

There are different ways of looking at customer satisfaction: Marketing, Free services, Gamification and many more. But there are very few ways to achieve customer loyalty. Satisfaction is ephemeral. Loyalty is rare and priceless.

Let’s see how we can achieve that.

Think like your customer

Whether it is a single product, range of products or service(s) you’re providing, start by thinking like your customers. Get into their heads. Ask yourself questions like ‘How would the product make my life easier?’, ‘What would I want the most from this service?’, ‘Why would I choose this product over another?’, ‘What do I like most about this service? Answer them for the customers. Remember – you are your first and toughest customer, always. You are your worst critic as well.

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves” – Steve Jobs.

Respect your customer

Be it a veteran or a newbie, treat your customers differently as needed but respect them equally. Do not make the mistake of taking the regular customers for granted. Do not treat new customers as divine beings only to ignore them later. Maintain a balance. Respect your customers by acknowledging their intelligence. That means avoid shortchanging, inflating or exaggerating and/or in any way distorting reality. Have a standard not just for your company and your employees but your customers too.

Respect your competitors

Never bad mouth your competitors. Never ride on the failure or success of another. Create your own niche. Learn from your competitors. Praise your competitors where needed without discrediting yourself. Know where and how you’re different from your competitors. Broadcast them to your customers. Always be prepared to collaborate, even with your competitors, especially if it means your customers get more value.

Listen to your customer

Being listened to – perhaps that’s the foremost reason why customers come back every time. Pay attention to their concerns and be prompt in resolving them. Acknowledge when they have a problem and assure them of the quickest and best possible fix. Do not underestimate the time needed to find a solution. Follow up after a solution is provided, make sure your customers are happy with the solution and offer to make their lives easier anytime in future.

Be honest, open and kind

Be honest about what your customers get for their money. Be open about your failures and how you are working on correcting them. Admit your flaws. The true measure of a business striving for customer retention lies in how they treat the complaints from their least contributing customer or the most cranky customer. Stand up for your values and maintain them, even during turbulent times. Always remember to respect and be kind to potential customers as well as inquisitive non customers.

“Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement” – J.C.Penny

Be a lifetime learner

Whenever you improve, succeed or make a difference, acknowledge the presence of your customers. Applaud their contribution. Invite criticism, approach constructively and learn from problems. Embrace changes and swiftly adapt to customer needs. It is the least complaining customers you have to worry about. Learn how to include them better. It is the most complaining and most critical customers you have to thank. You do not have to succumb to their whims, but you sure can learn a great deal in the process.

“Your most unhappy customer is your greatest source of learning” – Bill Gates.

What are your strategies to be the next irresistible business?
