How to become a Successful eBay Power-seller2 min read

Online auctions are the easiest and quickest way to make money, sitting right at the comfort of your home, with relatively not much effort from you. Of course, the most famous online auction website in the World Wide Web, receiving more than 85 million unique visitors from US alone, is eBay. There are gazillion opportunities for sellers and their products on eBay, while at the same time there is also substantial competition one needs to handle.

What defines you as a power-seller on eBay?

Any seller on eBay who

  • generates more than $1000 through sales consistently for 3 months
  • has very good feedback from their customers, which means, 98% or more of positive reviews, which is highly challenging.
  • maintains a seller rating of 4.6 or more for at least 30 days.

To achieve this status, customer satisfaction takes paramount important. Keeping your customers satisfied and happy is the ultimate aim of any business and ebay power-sellers are no exemption in this regard.

The Benefits of being a Power-Seller on eBay

  • Customers trust and purchase from a power-seller than any other seller on eBay due to the high credibility level.
  • This reputation and the efficient customer service ensures returning customers.
  • Selling more products, in turn, will entitle the power-sellers to more discounts on their selling price. Thereby, increasing their profit margin.
  • There is a customized feedback mechanism for power-sellers in eBay, for instance, they are provided with a unique contact number for their queries.
  • A power-seller can offer various payment solutions for their customers.
  • They have access to eBay trends, which gives them information on the highest selling and most popular products on eBay.
  • This helps them find their precise target customer (through search relevance) and are also allowed to message customers introducing their products.
  • They can drive traffic to their own website from their eBay page.
  • Power-sellers are provided with extensive support from ebay.

The Elusive Power-seller Status

Every seller aims to attain the power-seller status on eBay. The seller gains more trust and credibility among all eBay users. Also, there are various levels in the program, such as Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Titanium. Bronze, being the basic level and Titanium, the highest level. Ebay Sellers who actually qualify for a power-seller account are around 4% only.