How not to do an email blast1 min read

Most marketing
teams swear by email campaigns. While you might argue that the
conversion rate is abysmally low, it still makes sense because you
can reuse the content and sending these mails requires almost zilch

Here is what you
can avoid to ensure that your emails have a decent open and
conversion rate:

A shady sounding sender/domain name

I am wary of the
internet! The moment I see a mail from,
I delete it. And I am pretty sure that most netizens would do the
same. So, have a convincing mail address to send such mails from. And
no, gmail and yahoo addresses don’t sound professional.

Once in a blue moon email campaigns

It’s important
that your recipients recall your brand name and are familiar with
what you do. When you build brand recall, if and when they need a
vendor from your industry, they will think of you first. Brnads like
Xerox, Kleenex, Dettol and Vaseline have almost rendered their
generic names obsolete. We now think of Xerox as THE photocopier. Aim
at building that kind of brand recall.

Overt promotional content

Yes, you draft
your promo mails with one intention- to sell. But don’t make it look
overt. People hate aggressive marketing that is pushed onto them.
Nothing is more effective than subtle, guerilla marketing that makes
people think it was their idea to seek your brand and not the other
way round.

Verbose text

Yawn. Who reads

Image : Internet