Getting your work done with freelancers3 min read


lot of big companies today, are hiring freelancers for mainstream
projects – be it project designing, advertising campaigns, or end-end
project management.

have every reason to. If precedents are anything to swear by, then
freelancers have not only shown that they are cost-effective but are
ready to be deployed commandos who are very best at what they do.

makes freelancers better than actual employees.


To show muscle and growth of a company real/physical employees are
required. This can be kept to a bare minimum. The remaining force,
say work segments for which regular workforce is not required, there
is no need to have full-time employees. Reports have shown that even
full-fledged advertising agencies don’t have assets pertaining to all
profiles the agency claims to understand. For example, the agency in
concern may not have frequent work in the areas of web designing or
web development. So having a person specialising in web
designing/development on the monthly roster would be a drain on the
company resources.


full-time employees in any competitive workplace are diluted with
excessive tasks. Businesses have the tendency to write more checks
than they can cash. In other words, companies are notorious in
undertaking more workload than their existing resources could
facilitate in its fulfilment. In this current of tension, existing
talent is pressed for time and what is delivered is an
underprivileged result not satisfactory to either the internal review
department or the client. Apart from losing the client, you, as a
business, end up losing the confidence required to deliver.
Freelancers are a breed that specialise in specific skill sets. They
have the expertise you are looking for. They are equipped to provide
the time and research necessary for the task. They comprehend the
terms and conditions and will deliver within the deadlines. And if
you are looking for the best part, they are a bang for your buck.


There is an important presentation, and the person responsible for
the project in your company has availed the sick leave. Isn’t that
just upsetting? As a company, leaves are part of the policy. So you
just have to wish the person get well soon and reschedule the whole
presentation. Freelancers are known to keep up with their word. Come
rain or shine. Commitment is their key to securing repeat projects.
It is not that freelancers will always deliver on time. There are
times freelancers require more resources and research time, but
whatever the lag they had not anticipated at the time of making the
contract, will still make that due intimation with all the relevant
references, so that you are in the perfect loop.

it is a small business or a large multi-national organisation,
freelancers are exponentially proving their mettle in the form of
flexibility, reasonable pricing, deep understating of a subject,
reliability, commitment, and the drive to deliver quality results.

Image: Internet