Customer Relationship Management – Best Practices2 min read

Building a customer base is in the hands of your product or service. But building lasting customer relationships are in your hands. A loyal customer base is a necessity for a thriving business. So, how do you make sure that your customer relationship is being maintained well?

Start on the right foot:

Let’s deal with new relationships first. Patience is the most important virtue in business. So, give relationships time. Don’t rush your client. Don’t call him incessantly. Stop bombarding him with mails. Such aggressive behavior is a turn off. Invest in time. Keep in touch, but do not push. Get to know that client.

In a B2B relationship, it is a good practice to know the client, his business and the industry. While you cannot become an expert overnight, this knowledge would help you converse with the client. Otherwise, you are going to find his talk esoteric. Also, and more importantly, this groundwork on his industry helps you customize your products/services for the client.
When you are a newbie in the market, you can afford to adjust, tweak your offerings to cater to the needs of the client. Even when you are not a newbie, you will find that customizing according to the client’s specifications can bring in its own benefits. You stand apart from your peers who offer only standard products. Clients remember that you put in the extra effort to satisfy them. Sometimes, it helps you explore additional avenues you have not thought of. This can bring in future clients and hence,
additional income.

Give it your best:

Every client is important. So, treat them with that in mind. They can range from a standalone store in a remote place to a big organization that has presence in all continents. Never compromise on quality based on the client. That would cost you big. A business succeeds with referrals. And happy clients refer. An employee with the clients’ side who likes your service might refer your name in his new job as well. A start up client of yours could grow exponentially and become a big corporation tomorrow. And it would be a great opportunity for you to build your business along with theirs.

Be reachable. Always:

Clients like it when they are assured that you are reachable. When a client mails you, acknowledge them ASAP. Even if it is a query that stumps you, acknowledge the communication received. And start with your research on the query. Not knowing the answer should not amount to not responding. Do not hesitate to pick up the phone and help them out in case an email is not enough. A Skype conversation can shed light on the issue.

Keep the client posted on what is to come. Start client meetings with a recap of what has happened. This will ensure that there is no confusion amidst the meeting attendees.