Category - Uncategorized

Is Your Online Store Holiday-Ready?

The holiday season is around the corner. Lots of orders. Lots and lots of deliveries. The retailers couldn’t be happier. However, there is one little thing they have to be or are already concerned about – is it possible...


Smart packaging = Less shipping cost

How smart packaging can help reduce your shipping costs? 

Ever received a gift where the wrapping and packaging was more extended and elaborate than the gift inside itself? 

Sometimes we just can’t figure out how much...

How transparent is your shipping charge

“Life is filigree work. What’s written clearly is not worth much. It is the transparency that counts.” – Louis Ferdinand Celine The French author couldn’t be more apt. The world is busy shopping online. The...

Behind the Scenes – General Activities of UPS

Due to the increase in supply chains and e-commerce spending in the Asian continent, UPS anticipates drastic growth in the Asian logistics sector. The manufacturing that drove the economic success in Asia has led to the...

Integrated Supply Chain – An Insight

You went to your favourite restaurant. You order for the drinks. Some chips. Appetizers. Finally your much-awaited chicken comes to the table. It has no salt. You tell the waiter that your chicken doesn’t have any...

Automatic refunds from FedEx and UPS

  For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The doctrine is very appropriate when it comes to business. The business gets the money. We get the product or service. So long as we are the ones...

FedEx and UPS – Pricing formula effects

Have you ever been to a fine-dining restaurant where you don’t see the prices on the menu? Let’s say you go to a boutique jewellery shop. All items in the display cases are attractive and gorgeous. But...