Category - Uncategorized

7 tips to kick start your start-up

A start up needs a push here, a pull there and some serious kick start. The catch is most start-ups have a lot of budget issues. This makes traditional kick-start practices almost impossible when you consider a start-up...

4 ways to skyrocket your e-commerce conversion

Marketing your online store is a different ball game today. Especially when most of your customers come to window shop and while time. Nevertheless, a number of window shoppers can be converted with some attention to...

5 Tips to Handle Millenial Customers

The buzz du jour in the world of online marketing and e-commerce is “Millennials” and for a good reason. The Millenials are estimated to account for $600 billion of online sales and their spending behaviour is...

6 benefits of direct mail marketing

One of the most important facets of marketing is Direct Mail Marketing. Developing a smart and effective direct mail marketing campaign can help build your business. Despite the huge success and progress of digital...

5 misconceptions about shipping refunds

1. If a shipment is delivered late, you will receive the late shipment fee automatically.NO. That is not quite it works. UPS and FedEx advertise and market their on-time delivery guarantee. What they don’t tell you is...