Rental businesses are the in thing these days. Toys, high end fashion brands, tuxedos, DVD’s, sports goods, paintings, home decor, Christmas decor and books. Name it and there is a rental business with that. It...
The newest rental business model in town that is making waves is the toy rental idea. Renting toys makes perfect sense to subscribers. People tend to spend a lot on toys- 1000’s of dollars, a quick research...
Every business looks to optimize production cost. Automation at low cost is beneficial two fold- it eliminates or at least reduces labor cost and it brings down overall production cost. Industries look for a cost...
Sriram Sridhar is the Chief Strategist at LateShipment. He spends a significant amount of time understanding how shipping carriers like FedEx and UPS maximize their profits and finding new ways to help our customers...
What is a digital supply chain? It is not radically different from the traditional supply chain that we are more than aware of. While there is no physical product that is sent across warehouses and stores, digital...
A new entrepreneur seldom thinks of shipping as an important part of his initial research aspect. If you are looking at a new venture idea that involves a significant amount of shipping, you need to...
The first question that a new entrepreneur analyzes before he sets up shop is on what the cost of manufacture and labor is going to be. Before the analysis, he also has to comprehend that production estimates are not...
What a Green and Sustainable supply chain can do for you (and the planet)? A green supply chain is inherently sustainable in the long term. Statistics throws a lot of important facts at us. The World Bank states that 80...
Customer is King. And there is no business that is an exception to this rule. Customer demands drive major trends in any business today. Attributes of a product or service, like cost, comfort, style, safety...
It makes absolute sense to invest time, effort and money in a prototype before you go ahead with the actual product. With the advent of superior technology that is available today, prototypes are built for any product...
Running an online jewelry and personal care product store involves a lot of customization. It is not a regular online store. How does a jewelry store differ from other online stores? Certificates Whether it is an...
Marketing today builds upon search engines and extends to social media. To capitalize on that and increase brand awareness, one has to generate traffic and engage users with an effective social media marketing strategy...