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Unveil the secrets to ship cheaper!

Secret 1: 97% of businesses over pay their shipping carriers and receive poor service form themSecret 2: Understanding how shipping carriers work and making a few simple changes to your shipping operations can...

Five proven ways optimize shipping cost

Shipping costs can make or break your bottom line. And that’s the hard truth with online sales. And with any business that involves shipping. LateShipment is a wonder genie that helps you streamline your process and...

5  frugal tips for businesses to ship packages

When you run a small business, every cent is important. The difference between a good margin and a bad margin is all about optimising costs here and there. Shipping costs offer great scope for cost optimisation given...

3 biggest freight shipping mistakes

If you are a business house that ships across the world or the country often, you would like to know what the potential problems you face are.  Here’s a list of 3 oft repeated mistakes that happen while people ship in...