Author - Ian

FedEx Surcharge Insights

Any additional fee that is charged for an item for its weight, dimension, or care required during transit to ensure the item is preserved in its best capacity is a shipping surcharge. With the heavily impacting...

Outsourcing Order Fulfillment

As an online business expands, so will its requirement of increasing manpower, technology, inventory space, and order fulfillment. Most start-ups, after a few days of being in the air of business, tie up with their...

Why is money-back guarantee such a big deal!

In today’s market, customers are spoilt for choice. When it comes to a brand, a customer can come with two things. They can either come with abundant loyalty or they can come with an aggressive dilemma about a...

Selling via Facebook

So you have finally decided to take your business world to where the real world is. Good. Let’s get down to the brass tacks now and find out all about selling your items on Facebook, shall we? Page:  First things...

Why should start-ups use analytics

The process of assembling a collage of data from statistics, research, and computer programming to gain a scientific insight in order to quantify performance is called analytics. New businesses, in the process of trying...

Order management in e-commerce

Order Management is the end-end solutions ecosystem of flowcharts and transactions involved in order processing, inventory tracking, and the integration of products in prime marketplaces to help businesses create better...

Getting your work done with freelancers

A lot of big companies today, are hiring freelancers for mainstream projects – be it project designing, advertising campaigns, or end-end project management. They have every reason to. If precedents are anything...

Managing refurbished product returns

If there is one thing an e-commerce business is not new to – it is returns. The moment an item is delivered to the customer, it becomes the customer’s item. So any time after the item is shipped and returned to...