Author - Ian

Picking a Supplier for Your Product

Most businesses require raw materials in some form. So, before the launch of your business, you will have to narrow down on suppliers who will ship you raw materials. How do you go about approaching them? And what are...

Balancing cost and quality in production

What are the factors that you consider when you are looking to shop for something? You would, like every other customer, look for the best quality there is, at the least price. So, when you are at the other end of the...

Funding Your Dream Startup!

Congratulations, you have finally decided to put into practice, your business idea. THAT is the big step. What next? How and where from, do you fund your dream? The ground work that you have diligently worked on can...

Managing Customer Expectations

Every business Guru’s oft quoted phrase is that ‘Customer is King’. There is no denying that. The business amounts to nought without the customer and you need no MBA to realize that. So, how do you make sure your...

The Easy 20k Idea!

It all began on a fateful day sometime in the middle of January when we sat down for our yearly meeting with our shipping partner, FedEx. We were trying to beat them down on their shipping rates by a few pennies in...