When a consumer orders something online, the average shipment reaches him/her within the promised time. Generally, that’s the case. But what happens during holiday seasons? Today, most people want to shop online and...
Like every other industry, the pharmaceutical industry has also reinvented its sales online. The process is just the same. There is a buyer who wants something and he buys it online. The pharmaceutical industry is...
The very least that a customer can do to the environment, during an online purchase, is to opt for a product that is marked ‘eco-friendly’. A lot of awareness is already present in the minds of people today, about...
How do lawyers deal with shipping issues? The most common issues that crop up with regard to shipping are late shipments, lost and damaged shipments. Most reputed shipping carriers include clauses that promise refunds...
Why should a customer give you repeat business, assuming you are part of a perfect competition economy, especially in the online market, when the customer can enter any website of his choice and buy from there? Why...
Running a retail business is not a piece of cake. There are assets to manage, deadlines to meet, and customer expectations to exceed. To be on top of all this, your warehouse management needs to be a...
What is SCM? A supply chain is a network of organizations that performs the functions of procurement, manufacture, and distribution of finished products to customers. Supply chains exist in both service and product...
Building a brand takes years. You have got to deliver the quality that customers seek. You have got to outdo your peers and create a niche for your brand. Your brand is a mark of trust that people have in you. While...
Product pricing is a major concern when it comes to dealing with competition. It is a very interdependent relationship that is governed by two main strategies. The market is divided into 2 major segments. And players...
Welcome to the world of entrepreneurs. Once you have started your small business, you have to find ways to promote it to create demand for your product/service. Most small businesses cannot afford extensive marketing...
The 2 majors among shipping carriers are FedEx and UPS, undoubtedly. It is almost an oligopoly on top with these two. They have to their credit, several high profile clients to sear by them, through thick and thin...
Did you know that shipping rates, even minimal shipping rates, contribute to the customer abandoning his cart in the last minute, before proceeding to pay for the goods? Does that mean that, as an online seller, you...
Viral marketing is the new age technique of encouraging individuals- anyone and everyone to pass on a marketing message to others. This results in an exponential growth in terms of exposure and influence of the marketed...
The past 100 and odd years have seen a major difference in the workforce populace. Women started working out of their homes and contributing to the GDP and their family earnings. While it has been quite a while, women...
The Internet has enabled a lot of entrepreneurs to run a business from home. A lot of home businesses rely on shipping. Drop shipping is catching up really fast and is an example of a home business that requires...
An organization’s progress or regress depends heavily on leadership. Leonidas proved that a good team was not one that came in great numbers but one that had great leadership. How does an organization in the corporate...
Startups and big businesses rely heavily on online marketing strategies. The other avenues of marketing are expensive and online marketing is quite powerful on a shoestring budget. What are the strategies that pay off...