Author - Ian

Suspense in the Mailbox

Teasers are a great marketing technique today. Email teasers are awesome because the current generation cannot make it to 60 minutes without checking the mailbox twice. But before launching into an email teaser...

Have you considered automatic merchandising?

A very important step in business is setting up shop. As a business start-ups, we always tend to look for the most inexpensive ways to do this. What are the pointers to be kept in mind while choosing premises for your...

Making Vendor Managed Inventory Work for You

Vendor Managed Inventory or VMI is an inventory management process in which the vendor creates orders for customers based on demand information that they receive from the customer. Furthermore, the vendor and customer...

What not to do with your Facebook Page

                      A vibrant Facebook page can do wonders for your business. People spend a lot of time on Facebook and you can reach them through your page. The idea is, to maintain a very good brand image on...

Color your Business Green Today!

Being an entrepreneur gives you the liberty of tweaking a lot of things about the business. You can choose to go green if you wish. It gives you the satisfaction of doing something nice to the environment. At the same...