Author - Ian

What is your online retail site missing?

Statistics say that online shoppers abandon 6 out of 10 carts! What really happens in these 6 carts that missed making it to the payment gateway?Photographs- Check. Site layout- Check. Navigation- Check. And do youstill...

How to tackle a business blogger’s block

Every business blog suffers the occasional blogging block. It’s easier to tackle this if you have multiple people contributing to your blog. So, how does a start up resolve their blogging plagues? What is your...

How to ship Artwork

E-commerce has opened doors for artists world over. It gives you access to customers far away. If you have an online portal and if you are successful in finding buyers, your next logical step is in shipping your artwork...

Recurring glitches in rental businesses

Rental businesses are the in thing these days. Toys, high end fashion brands, tuxedos, DVD’s, sports goods, paintings, home decor, Christmas decor and books. Name it and there is a rental business with that. It...

Shipping Smiles

  The newest rental business model in town that is making waves is the toy rental idea. Renting toys makes perfect sense to subscribers. People tend to spend a lot on toys- 1000’s of dollars, a quick research...

Exploring Low Cost Automation in Production

Every business looks to optimize production cost. Automation at low cost is beneficial two fold- it eliminates or at least reduces labor cost and it brings down overall production cost. Industries look for a cost...


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Supply chains sans Warehouses- Digital SCM

What is a digital supply chain? It is not radically different from the traditional supply chain that we are more than aware of. While there is no physical product that is sent across warehouses and stores, digital...

How to form small business shipping strategies

                   A new entrepreneur seldom thinks of shipping as an important part of his initial research aspect. If you are looking at a new venture idea that involves a significant amount of shipping, you need to...

Have your greens and eat them too

What a Green and Sustainable supply chain can do for you (and the planet)? A green supply chain is inherently sustainable in the long term. Statistics throws a lot of important facts at us. The World Bank states that 80...

The LateShipment Story. Presented by Jason Polstein, the CEO of, at 1 Million Cups, Orlando. 
(Source: )

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