Author - Ian

Get more from your Payment Gateway

Yay, you are getting a payment gateway. Now, hoping that you have done your initial research on choosing the payment gateway that’s just right for you, let me ask you another question. What else can you look for...

Alibaba enters US online retail space

Alibaba is exploring new turfs. Would Amazon/eBay feel the effect? A Reuters article says that Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant is foraying into American soils. Amazon and eBay are the major players in the USA...

Dealing with Unused Inventory

There is no business house in the world that sells every single piece they get from the wholesaler. And in any retail store, online or offline,space matters. Especially with raging rents that people have to pay for...

Waffle House Vs. FedEx/UPS

Waffle House might eat into FedEx/UPS’s business!  The restaurant chain is all set to revolutionize package delivery. Waffle House partners with Roadie in an attempt to become the "Uber of package delivery...

Why entrepreneurship?

Now, this is interesting. If this doesn’t help make up your mind, what can?  What do you think is the reason you want to become entrepreneur?  Is it the charm of being your own boss and being responsible for your...

Must have features in your online retail store

An online store offers a dozen options that a physical store can only imagine. Successful stores tend to have not just great products but also store features that make buying, great fun. Customers would love to play...

Picture Perfect.

Online retails banks heavily on quality photographs. It doesn’t take a genius to tell you that bad photographs/no photographs will result in no buys. Whether you have your own site or you advertise your wares on...

Shipping gets dearer.

Shipping gets dearer.  FedEx and UPS have raised surcharge rates. Recently, major shipping carriers made frequent small-to-medium business shippers groan when it was announced that packages would be charged according to...