Author - Ian

An online store is judged by its packaging

Packaging matters. It has to serve the purpose and impress a buyer. What can one do to make sure packaging is perfect? Label it right While labeling your package, get the name of the customer right. Is it Ms or Mr? Make...

Sir, Yes, Sir

So, are you confused that the post is titled with a mention to the ‘Sir Sandwich’? Let’s look into why you must have your own office valet. Congratulations, buddy. You have started your own company...

How to recruit your small team of employees

Finalize on an answer to this single most important question before you start the recruiting process- What do you want in the employee? Most start up managers and new managers tend to dilly dally with this issue. You...

How not to do an email blast

Most marketing teams swear by email campaigns. While you might argue that the conversion rate is abysmally low, it still makes sense because you can reuse the content and sending these mails requires almost zilch effort...

That perfect email blast

Subject matters A book is judged by its cover. And an email, by its subject line. A lame subject line ensures that the mail you painstakingly produce is sent straight to trash. Stay away from subject lines that are...

Costly marketing mistakes!

Everyone gives you a checklist of what to do when you become an entrepreneur. Equally important is a checklist of what not to do.  Here is a wonderful list that details 7 mistakes that you can avoid! These marketing...

Expert speak on social media branding

Here is a wonderful post on building a powerful strategy to build your brand on social media.  Social media has become THE marketing platform today. Cupcakes or shipyard steel, it’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn...

Lower shipping costs

Here’s more information from the experts on Dimensional Weight Pricing. A good read for businesses that ship in bulk. 

Uber wants a cut of FedEx and UPS marketshare

When you think requesting a taxicab through your phone without talking to anyone, paying the taxi without cash and tracking the taxi driver real time is huge, you are miles behind. Uber is looking to leverage its huge...

For all the entrepreneurs around

It’s a tough decision to become an entrepreneur. And once you do it, there is no looking back. There is no calling in sick, there is no health insurance and annual vacations. And there are times when you are clueless...