Are you using the right analytics tool for your business site?2 min read

The net savvy entrepreneur today measures all his online presence via a platform. A lot of people swear by Google Analytics and KISSmetrics. Let’s discuss what most analytics aids do. Seldom do you find a start up that doesn’t use Google Analytics, KISSmetrics or any other analytics system.

KISSmetrics is an analytics platform that measures site activity at the person level. Google Analytics measures metrics based on page views. Mixpanel measures based on events. So, in essence, you will know how many times a page was accessed or how many times an event was performed in the page. You do not get to know who your visitor is or how they are using your site. Most ecommerce sites would love to know these details.

KISSmetrics tracks every visitor, every time they visit your site. This begins even before the visitor becomes a customer. It also associates that anonymous activity to them once they actually become a customer. It tracks where a visitor comes from, what they do and what makes them become a customer.  Tracking does not stop there. It continues to keep track of what the customer does and how valuable they are. KISSmetrics can connect n number of properties to a person. It would ‘remember’ these properties forever. You can search for a bunch of people who have liked a particular activity on your site. This helps segregating your site visitors. So, if your goal is trying to understand individual performance, KISSmetrics is the solution.

If you are looking for something free, Google Analytics is great for you. It is the most powerful, free analytical tool available today.  Most small to medium businesses use Google Analytics. A well informed user can make use of every feature available on Google Analytics. Google Analytics lets you assign an identity to each visitor and track this person’s activities with the ID. It also allows customization to deeper levels.

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