9 quick tricks that will put your budding business on the map3 min read

Welcome to the world of entrepreneurs. Once you have started your small business, you have to find ways to promote it to create demand for your product/service. Most small businesses cannot afford extensive marketing campaigns. So, how does a small business promote itself?

Time it right
Timing is everything. It would be illogical to start an air conditioner business when the weather is pleasant. You have to wait for the right time to launch your products. Research your markets and the get into it.

Get your online identity 
Welcome to the new age business world. If you do not have a website, you do not exist, for all practical purposes. A basic one would do, if you cannot invest time and money in it. But do not put it off for later. It is of extreme importance, when you consider the perks of online marketing in social media platforms.

Free listing for the business
Wherever you get free listing, market your business. Avail every opportunity there is. Online listings work wonderfully. Whenever someone wants your product or service in your area, you get to feature in their search, through the free listing. This is a very efficient system of promoting your business.

Social media presence
This is the easiest that you can do for your business promotions. Start a Facebook / Linkedin page, share it, and update it frequently. Promote it amidst friends, friends of friends and others. Run online contest through this page. Have interesting content, pictures and videos of your product or service. this is a sure shot method to get some visibility. Invest time in it. Shoddy pages garner no attention. You can kill your brand through shoddy social media presence.

Network religiously
Be it Facebook, Linked-in or outside of it, in the real world, as opposed to the online world, be part of related groups. Start one and add peers and possible customers if there is nothing existing. Promote your brand through this and reap rich results.

Pitch for local community activities
When there is local event on the cards, gear up for some promotions. Offer to sponsor events and advertise your business there. Sponsor local sports teams and running events. Sponsor runs for noble causes. You get visibility AND you do something for the community. That’s a twofold reward.

Liaise with other business in your community and request them to hand out coupons to their customers. No one says no to a coupon and this brings a steady stream of traffic. Capitalize on these patrons and make them loyal customers.

Ask for referrals

Do not shy away from asking for referrals. Whenever you have a satisfied customer walking out of your store, ask them to refer friends to your business. Pass business cards around. Incentivize those who take the efforts to refer. Offer them discounts and encourage them to refer more.

Content Market
Approach the local papers and offer to write content for their columns. You can create a market for your business through these columns. After publishing these articles, advertise your business in the same papers to attract customers. Maintain a blog that would interest your target audience and be sure to market your content on the social media.