The world has gone through a Big Bang, in
terms of the evolution in networking and advertising, ever since Mark
Zuckerberg began to drift from college and created the wonderful planet called Facebook.

What makes Facebook such a big success is
its autonomous marketing, pampered with cost-effective solutions to go viral in
a short window frame. 

Though Facebook has come and conquered the
world of advertising, it surely hasn’t changed the truth that ‘Customer is

As businesses are lapping up the puddings
offered by Facebook for marketing all kinds of products/services under the Sun
and beyond, businesses, at times, might tend to go overboard in the objective
to achieve more numbers in shares and likes.

Let us take a look at some of the
etiquettes a business must implement in order to elegantly win the heart of its
audience without making it obvious and cheap.

1) Treat others as you want to be

Posting/commenting on another business
page posts (to promote you brand) in Facebook is not only frowned upon, but it
also puts you in bad light. Your own audience will not take you seriously.
Besides, would you like it if someone came to your timeline and
posted/commented something relating to their business?

2) Mass Messages:

Sending mass messages to your audience on Facebook is a big no.
Why? Because every time someone replies, a notification is triggered for every
recipient on that list, and this certainly won’t be appreciated. So remember,
if you are sending mass messages, be ready to be dumped in the mass grave.

3) Overdoses lead to collapse:

Understandable that you want to stay on peoples’ timelines and
increase your recall value by going on a posting spree, but posting one too
many may spoil the charm for you. Making the users eager and anticipating is
equally important as keeping your brand in the minds of your audience.

4) Prim and Proper:

If there is one thing you cannot go wrong with, it would be the
cover image and profile picture. A clean, professional cover image and profile
picture instantly instils the confidence that your business is not sham.

5) Stay away from controversial

Unless you are in the news/media
fraternity, no matter how aggravating a topic is, never bring in religious or
political matters on your business page posts.

6) PPP:

productive posts. Share stories of your brand. Not just images or videos of the
product. Hire a good writer or a an agency that can churn out exciting things
on the page. It doesn’t always have to be about your brand. It can be anything
your brand can be associated with. For example, a jewellery company sharing a
wedding photographer’s post about elegant wedding theme photographs. Such
congenial and goodwill collaborations will let your audience understand your
tastes beyond your offering. You want to know your audience. Allow the audience
to know you as well. It is always a give an take.

In the world of Facebook, there is nothing
called good or bad. As long as the user likes it, he will share it. So treat
the user with respect. Don’t overwhelm the user with ‘like this’, ‘like that’.
Keep your posts interesting. And have a keen ear. If your posts are genuinely
interesting, your user will share, like and market your business for you.
