6 benefits of direct mail marketing3 min read

One of the most important facets of marketing is Direct Mail Marketing. Developing a smart and effective direct mail marketing campaign can help build your business. Despite the huge success and progress of digital marketing, it is with good reason that direct mail marketing is still in vogue. There is very minimal cost involved with direct mail marketing. How much can a simple postal delivery cost you? While it’s cheap, it’s also an effective marketing strategy.

Let’s look at the benefits of direct mail marketing!

Not many people receive snail mail today. And that’s a huge advantage.
While most promotion emails are directed to the bin without being opened, snail mail is still opened diligently. Because there aren’t huge volumes like in email marketing. According to the United States Postal Service, most consumers bring in their mail the day it’s delivered and sort through it immediately. What this means is that people who could be seeing your direct mail marketing campaign could potentially come looking for your business.

Narrowed down recipient lists
Direct mail marketing campaigns allow you to get in touch with a very specific target audience who are potential customers of yours.  So, it translates into a higher ROI than a mass marketing/advertising venture in the form of TV/print.

Customise your offering
Direct mail marketing offers you the advantage of customising the mail campaign by getting to the point on what the particular customer would be interested in, among your products/services. When you address your audience directly, they are more likely to respond.

Floor them with coupons
Customers would love getting a coupon with their marketing mail. So, add a coupon that gives them some incentive to approach your business. People cannot resist getting something for free or a discount on purchases. That’s the reason coupons are in existence.

Several options
Direct mailers needn’t be restricted to brochures alone. You can get creative and send anything from postcards, brochures to desk calendars and stationery. You can choose anything that you think is apt.

For example, sending a coffee mug with your logo on it can be a constant reminder of your offering lying on a potential customer’s desk. They might not be on your roster immediately but when they have a need to purchase a product related to your offering, your name is already there in their minds.

Easy feedback
The efficiency of direct mail campaigns is easily measurable. If you send coupons in direct mail, it is easy to see how many of these coupons are redeemed. So, that’s a useful tracking method that’s very simple to carry out. Based on the feedback you receive in terms of these coupons redeemed, you can figure out further marketing plans. You can also use the successful mailers in your other forms of marketing. The print layout of a successful direct mail campaign can be mirrored in email blasts. Bill board designs can be borrowed from these direct mail designs.