5 tips to spruce up your online sales this summer2 min read


Summer is here. We all love summer. People vacation, camp and play. And what does it mean to a retailer?

Unless you have a beach front store surrounded by tourists, you will see a slump in sales. Why is that the case? Shoppers spend their summer time with their families, outdoors, or on vacation. They are not connected to ecommerce sites from their computers and mobile devices. So, how does an e-retailer make the best out of this slack season?

Time for a site update

Give your site a makeover. Better yet, give it a summer makeover. Do you sell summer products? Make sure you add background images of beaches, the outdoors, barbeques and other summer activities. It clicks with the zeitgeist and lets shoppers know that your site is fun and current.

Make use of the beach/vacation spree

A vacation is never complete without some shopping before take-off. People buy new stuff for the beach and vacation. So, if you don’t already sell vacation stuff, try to promote your products with a vacation reference point.

Capitalise on summer celebrations

Summer is peak wedding season.  So, that means it’s time to sell gifts and household items that are typical wedding season. It’s a good idea to bring these products to the foreground, advertise and offer discounts for these products. Sit and think about how you can weave a wedding purchase story around your merchandise. Include pictures of beach weddings and happily forevers. Sell the wedding story effectively. There are enough number of people who are confused about what to gift at weddings.

Nothing says summer like a home garden

Summer is all about outdoor décor, garden accessories, and barbecue accessories when it comes to e-retail. Even if you sell furniture, stick with a garden theme for this season. If you sell clothes, a garden theme can raise your profits. It is all about playing your summer cards right. And whatever you sell, sell the idea that the offer is gone when summer is gone. You cannot have a garden during freezing months.

Choose low cost and reliable shipping options

Remember that summer is a slow sales season for online retailers. So, it’s important to not over spend on shipping.  Find  a way to save as much as possible. Do not offer express delivery options. Cheap and reliable shipping can make your summer margins look better. Most importantly, sign up for shipping refunds with an automated shipping refunds service provider like Every dollar counts. More so in the summer slump.