5 steps to enhance content marketing through social media3 min read

Content marketing is a different ball game when you look at it from the perspective of traditional marketing. Content marketing need not really be about your product. Sounds strange? 

The idea behind content marketing is to catch the attention of your target audience. Once you have the attention, you can introduce your product and market it left, right and centre. So, understanding the target audience and what they would like to read, like and share is what you need to focus on.

So, know your audience. That’s step one.

Engage them in conversation, discussion, constructive argumentation etc. Once that is achieved, you have a personal link to the customers.

1. Facebook groups

The idea behind Facebook groups is to club a certain cross section of people with similar interests. So, it is a great idea to create a group and make use of it to market your content there. A better idea is to become part of several existing groups that have your target audience and try to pitch in there. Facebook is a great place to run your content marketing programs.

In some groups though, it is a good idea to involve in guerrilla marketing and stay away from on the face advertising. So, check the group rules and then go ahead with the plan!

2. Remain active

It is totally acceptable when you say that you can’t come up with mind-boggling content every time. But that doesn’t mean your Facebook pages and groups or your Twitter handles remain inactive. Share what’s relevant to your target audience. Don’t lose an opportunity to stay on top of the minds of these potential business prospects. On an everyday basis, hit that Publish button. Mix it up with content on Education, Entertainment, Emotions etc. Engage!

3. Audit your target audience base

Congrats on building your target audience base and keeping them engaged. Next step?  Now that you understand your target audience, see if your Facebook page and content actually appeal to them. This gives you a great indicator of how to go forward with content marketing. Keep this in mind while auditing: Social media marketing is not about you, it’s about being a part of your community and providing value, in the perspective of the target audience. Build that!

4. Guerilla Marketing

People will start leaving an aggressive marketing group if every post is about a product you are trying to sell. So, make sure you bait conversations just right to engage people in a veiled marketing attempt.

And make sure a lot of your content leads to your sales traffic. Add links to your content that make the reader go to the sales sites. At the same time, don’t overdo it.

5. Name it right!

Nothing like a catchy group name, one that is comprehensive to map your target base! Once you hit a critical mass of members, it is prudent to keep the group closed! Exclusivity has its own appeal.