5 quick tips to create an effective online customer survey.2 min read

Are you neck deep in the startup trench
wondering how to scale your product? Are you ready to unleash your
dream of quickly growing into a million dollar company?  Its really
simple. Think you are meeting your customer needs and concerns?

There your million dollar bubble just

Being extremely attentive to your
customer needs and responsive to their concerns is critical for your
business to reach the scale. One of the terrific tools to capture
customer feed back is conducting an effective online survey.
Gathering data through do it yourself online surveys is easy and cost
effective. However, it could go awry if your questions are biased or
your data analysis is misinterpreted.

So here are some quick tips to consider
before jumping on the survey bandwagon:

1. Define your goal

Why do you want to conduct this survey?
Do you want a feedback on a recently conducted webinar to weigh the
strengths and weaknesses of the program or do you want to measure the
product performance to cobble a few Add ons? Goal helps you to chalk
a focussed questionnaire and yield relevant response.

2. Target the right people

If you are researching the reasons for
cart abandonment at your online store, then survey the customers who
recently exited the store without purchasing.  Filter out the people
who bought a long time ago. To obtain relevant data for analysis, the
survey audience must be thoroughly assessed before including them for
the survey.

3. Craft a focused questionnaire

Create a statistically valid
questionnaire. The shorter the surveys are, the more responses you
will get. One of the techniques would be to start with a broader
question then steer to the specifics. If your survey involves rating,
stick to 5 points. Restrict the number of question to 10. More than
10 the respondents will lose interest and less than ten, you will not
capture enough data.

4. Consider incentives

Online survey has become a rage and the
inboxes are clogged with online surveys. How will your survey stand
out? Offering a prize or a discount could work magic and boost your
response rate.

5. Embrace the latest tools

The internet is flooded with awesome
survey tools that have a ton to offer. Some of the features that they
offer are:

  • Sample templates and survey
  • Generate basic reports
  • Option to imbed the survey into
  • Follow up with a reminder
  • Export the response data        

Explore all the tools , prioritise what
you want and just go for it.                                                                                            

So on a scale of 1 to 5, how would you
rate the tips provided on this blog? Don’t forget to comment.