4 ways to use Instagram to market your e-commerce store2 min read

Gone are the days when a simple print ad in the newspaper did the trick. Today, not even the highly expensive television ads are bringing in business like the way digital sings. As a matter of fact, television ad slots are reducing their prices for brands, so that the brands can consider them in their media plan to begin with.  

Digital media and advertising will continue to explode and evolve. Their offering is sharp and results are lucrative. But with every other second brand trying to engage its potential audience through smart digital campaigns, how does a brand, in the end, able to make an impact with its consumer long enough to sustain its brand value in the mind of the consumer.

From small brands to the biggest players, everyone is trying hard to get a share of the pie in the market. For example, Facebook is able to leverage its fan base on a page or target a particular audience group to its benefit and accordingly cater to the concerned audience.

Hashtags: The greatest invention since the light bulb, a hashtag brings all content pertaining to or associated with that hashtag in one common campus. This way, the older posts can be recalled by simply clicking on the hashtag.

Direct Purchase: Most people are setting shops on Facebook and Instagram. It is cost-effective and you get to have all the services in one place. Instagram is a great way to host an online store for a basic start-up. You can also integrate your Instagram pictures for an enunciated ambience.

Interactions: Digital marketing is accountable. For every dollar spent, you know exactly how much business you have received in return. In the world of digital advertising, the number of interactions concerning the brand matters a whole lot. So simple contests and games that can nudge the audience to participate will be a boon to the brand.

Seasonal: The hashtags have also made it easy to direct different kinds of consumers for different brands – all at the same time. So as an e-commerce startup, you actually can run one campaign for Valentine’s Day targeting teenagers, and another for middle aged people at the same time, without major difference in the budget.

There are several different ways to nurture a product. E-commerce is all about getting personal. Send newsletters, emailers, in app notifications, tips via emailers regularly to let the audience know that you are always thinking of them. Only when you show them that you are thinking of them twenty times, will they come back and show you that they are thinking of you at least once.